What are some of the items included in your home inspection?

All Included Inspection Services

When you are ready to purchase a home, it helps to know what you are buying. Let Pillar To Post Home Inspectors™ help you.

roofs & attics

Roofs & Attics

Past damage to your home may not appear in the living spaces, but evidence may be found on the roof or in the attic.
roof inspection

Gutter Drainage

Gutters make perfect homes for pests, rodents, mold and honeycombs from bee infestations.
porch deck

Porch & Decks

As a porch ages, routine evaluation and maintenance becomes a necessity.
exterior inspection

Structural Foundation

Strange things can happen to your home if your foundation isn’t well supported.
electrical inspections

Electrical Inspection

When you’re purchasing a home, it’s a good idea to make sure the electric lines are working.

walls, floors, and ceiling inspection

Walls, Floors, & Ceilings

Any number of underlying issues can cause damage to the walls, floors and ceilings of a property.
water heater

Water Heaters

This should be inspected to insure properly heated water throughout your home.
plumbing inspection


Leaky, broken or misdirected pipes can wreak havoc on a home’s infrastructure and sewer.

Spring Tips

Heating and Cooling

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Cassandra Lately

Google 12/08/2024

Ready to get started?

Pillar To Post™ inspectors are E&O insured, highly trained, deliver detailed reports and take pride in helping you make clear decisions when buying or selling a home, ensuring confident home ownership™.